Daniele D.

Daniele D.

Új tanulókat fogad

Daniele D.

Új tanulókat fogad

Repetition of Italian at native speaker level and English and Spanish at C1 level, almost native speakers, at a great price!

  • Online tanórákat kínál
  • Ártól  5000 Ft
  • Előnyben részesített időpontok: délelőtt, délután, este, hétvégén
Ár Ártól 5000 Ft
Előnyben részesített időpontok: délelőtt, délután, este, hétvégén
Korrepetálási tantárgyak:


I am an Italian student in Erasmus at ELTE, I am graduate in the bachelor course Languages and Cultures for Tourism and I'm now graduating in the master’s course Modern Languages and Literatures. The languages I have studied over the years are English and Spanish, of which I have reached an almost native level. It’s been almost 5 years now that I give private tutoring to Italian and foreign students, and I would like to continue because my dream is to teach in schools. The time of my lessons varies from an hour to an hour and twenty, without changing the cost of the lesson. I teach students of the middle school, high school, but also of the University. I can also teach the humanities of these three languages: history, art and literature. My level of Hungarian is unfortunately still not sufficient, but we can communicate in English, Italian or Spanish. I'm available for every requests.


Standard óra

5000 Ft / 55 perc